
The Location SEO/Content Module

Meet your customers precisely where they are

With meaningful curation, SearchSide can ensure that the “on the go” organic search consumers connect “face to face” with your brand.

Mobile commerce is the here and the now

In the right-here, right-now world of commerce, we integrate “near to me” GEO location content with tangible, micro-moment “dear to me” data to facilitate organic search interactions with your brand. We provide contextual location content curation and physical area SEO information that connects your digital catalog to organic search consumers as they move through their purchase journey.

Intent-filled moments of opportunity

Gone are the days of predictable daily routines. Today's consumers navigate their day via social posts, texts and other forms of digital communication. The GEO module provides consumers a compass to navigate their fragmented search journeys and connect your brand to these intent-filled moments when buyers are in discover, search and purchase mode.

The power of GEO SEO

Today, people assume their devices know where they are. Consumers are more likely to purchase from companies whose mobile sites, social apps and influencer communities customize information to their location. SearchSide leverages geography centric organic content development, SEO curation and your digital resources to inform, influence and inspire organic search customers to stop by and buy from your site. It's all about curating a brand experience that connects, through organic search, consumer's physical locations and their purchasing state of mind to your products.

Commerce everywhere, all the time

Organic search content marketing with personalized location information can stop on-the-go consumers in their tracks, helping shape preferences and influencing successful product purchasing decisions exactly where they are. The GEO Module leverages location data, advanced SEO curation, and contextual content marketing to connect organic search consumers with products, professional services and stores as they go about their day.

Contact us for a website content evaluation